1st Car Accident!
Hey guys! I just wanted to share my first car accident with you, because I am just like everyone else. Again, I'm only 19 years old, and I've had to work hard for everything I have. So I'm going to tell you all about the accident, and what I had to deal with on top of insurance claims.
Like most people, the winter months are hard for hours in the serving industry. I had taken a few days off to visit family for christmas, and when I got home, we were closed a few days due to severe cold weather (Texas Y'all!), so I was lacking more in hours than most. That being said, I was in Austin trying to get my oil changed, and go buy my school books for the next semester classes I was enrolled in.Â
On my way to the school campus, I was on a road with a speed limit of 40mph. Thats not too fast right? Im in the middle lane, and there is a car a little ahead of me to the right, attempting to make a right turn into a parking lot. This driver had his/her blinker on and was slowing down to cut the corner, but before he could actually turn into the parking lot, another vehicle pulled out of the same parking lot into moving traffic. The car turning blocked my view of this new driver until it was too late, as he was attempting to cross the street to the opposite flow of traffic.Â
BAM! I T-boned him.. My front passenger side bumper hit his front driver's side tire. All I could think was "you idiot", but I'm not a mean person unless I have to be. So I backed my car away from his, as he backed into the parking lot, and I followed. I got out and took a look at my car. My heart kind of fluttered when I noticed no glass or metal had been damaged, it was just the plastic portion of my bumper.
I went to check on the other driver, and his car. Once I noticed his tire was at an inward 45 degree angle, I realized that was why I didn't have a lot of damage. We stood together looking at his car for a minute, before I said "well this sucks". I tried to make light of it, so I didn't seem mad. It was apearantly a first for both of us!
We pulled out our insurance information, and took pictures of both vehicles. I offered to call roadside assistance for him, although he had it covered. While he aranged to be picked up, I called Austin PD to come write a report on what happened. They showed up, put everything in the system, asked about possible injuries, and dismissed me.Â
I did have a small ache in my left shoulder blade after the accident, so when I got back to town I stopped at the ER to get it checked out. People always told me growing up, that in an accident you won't feel pain right away due to adrenaline. Which as time went on that afternoon, the pain grew and spread to my neck. The doctor had xrays taken, and said nothing was wrong with any bone in the area, that I probably just strained a muscle. I had an idea of what it was before I went in, but I decided it was best to have it documented just in case.
I kept all the documents together, and it took a week before I could get ahold of the other insurance company. By that time, I already had my car in the body shop getting repaired. The agent I was in contact with, said I would have to pay with my insurance, and pay my deductible out of pocket, if I wanted to pick up my car when it was ready, and have to wait to be paid back. Otherwise I would have to wait like two weeks to get my car back. I just couldn't wait for my car.Â
It took literally everything I had to pay my deductible. On low hours, I was left to live on a credit card. I had to stretch as much as I could on two credit cards, at low credit rates because I've only had 6 months of credit behind me, while waiting to be paid back by insurance, and receive my next low paycheck from work. I was super stressed about ending up in debt and not being able to go through with my future plans for the rest of 2018.
I kept thinking, there has to be something I can do online or close to home to make extra money. I stayed up all night one night searching the internet for something that I could do. All I could find was stuff you had to invest in, in order to make a return. I was tired, and decided to take a break, to pick it up again tomorrow.
I went through my facebook news feed, and ran across a video. A girl had a stack of $100 bills!! She told her story, and stated it was super easy to do, that if her viewers were interested in knowing more, to comment on the video. I figured it was worth a shot, so I commented. Within 5 minutes, she sent me a message with a link attached, and said it would take me to a free video to know more.
I clicked on the link, and the video was so detailed! I was impressed at how informative the speaker was, and I decided to watch the entire video (it was short), and I gave what he told me a shot.Â
Within just a few minutes of joining this business, I was given a personal coach to help me find everything, and tell me exactly what to do to become the most successful possible. In no time, I was pulling in leads and no longer had to worry about money! I wasn't stressed about my paycheck, credit cards, or future plans! I was put into a permanently stable financial state, to where I don't HAVE to work every again. I can do it all online.
My car looked brand new when I got it back, and I got my money paid back to me in about three weeks. I got an extra $500 just for going to the ER, and they paid all the bills for the visit!Â
I wanted to share all of this with you guys, again because I'm so young, and so new to everything just like everyone else!Â
Thanks for reading,
Ashley Koch :)